Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Little Bit of Everything..

So many things are going on right now I really haven't been blogging that much!  :) I'll catch you up on a few things:
The Garden:
We have been planing for a while and this year we are going to start a big garden.  Sometime in the future we will be getting a large dump-truck load of wood-chips for our garden. I'll have pictures through out the entire process, I'm sure!!!!  We are also getting chickens!!!  I'm so excited!!!  I've wanted chickens for SOOO long!!   We will receive them in April.  

I will be challenging myself to take more bird pictures.  I've never really focused on this.  It should be interesting....  :)  If ANY of them come out then I will put them on this blog.  But I might be a total failure at "birding".  :D  I'll just have to see.  
Also, I might be changing the blog around a bit so it looks more like "spring" and so it's all pretty for my spring challenge.  Therefore, the poll on my sidebar.  Please vote.  :)

Random thoughts:
It is such a beautiful day outside!!  Truly.... a perfect temperature has been reached, along with a perfect combination of sun and clouds, breeze and calmness.  It is so beautiful that I think I shall go outside with my camera and see if there is anything inspiring to take a picture of.  :) 

What are your random thoughts?

Scottish Gal

1 comment:

Katie Boord said...

My random thoughts? Hmm... Here are some: I'm so excited you guys are getting chickens! I'm also excited you're going to try birding! It is dreary here right now. :( I love the photo of the spiderwebs!!

:D So, those are some of my random thoughts.

Your friend,

Katie "Katydid"