Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goal - 366 photos

My dear friend thought of this idea.  So I agreed.  The idea is to post a picture a day and get to 366 photo's/ 366 posts.  I think I can get in the pictures but I'm not so sure about the posts....
Here's my picture for the very first day:
This was pretty much what it looked like today although this picture was not taken today.  :( Sorry.  By the time I found out about the challenge it was pitch black outside.  I tried taking a picture of the moon but it didn't work out.  :(  I'll have to work on that.... I've always wanted to take pictures of the moon. 


Leah Miren said...

So glad you're going to try and do it with me! :)


Katie Boord said...

I'd like to try the challenge, too, if that's all right. It's a great idea!


Sarah Nicole said...

That's fine Katydid! I certainly don't mind! I didn't think of it either.... BrierRoseMaiden did! :)


Katie Boord said...

Thanks, Scottish Gal! I'll try to post the photos on my blog, but I'll probably forget sometimes. I'll be doing it on my blog, .... agh, the link thing won't work. Oh, well, you know where to find me. :)
